Shooting on the Arri Alexa Plus

Setup for a green screen shoot.

Camera: Arri Alexa Plus, Selection of Zeiss Primes, Sachtler 30p tripod

Lighting: Kinoflow 4×4 bank, 2 x 1k’s, white poly boards, x10 kino studio lights

This week we had the exciting job of filming the title sequence for ITV.

DOP Simon Elsbury lit and shot the comedy sequence.

We caught up with him to ask how the day unfolded.

After spending a day filming a title shoot for a new ITV 1 show I was truly impressed by the Arri.  We shot this title shoot on the Arri Alexa Plus and wow…. just wow.


In terms of usability I loved it.  The feel was like a ‘normal camera’ (c300, Sony PMW, F55′s) that we all use daily but with nicer looks and and overall simpler function setups.

Obviously the ‘look’ was partly down to the lens’s which we were using some super speed primes but I was very very impressed.  Starting by the actual chasse.  Its very heavy, very… ie you would not want to do any handheld on this….



Its a beast but a nice one.  One thing in comparison to the ‘Epic’ (RED)  I found that I could spend more time on the creative side of the shoot rather than looking after the camera.

The whole day was very much enjoyable and made even better with this camera.

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