Making an exciting and engaging video takes a lot more than just picking up a camera and pressing record. It’s all the effort behind the scenes that makes a video something special.

With technology moving on in leaps and bounds, video is becoming more accessible and more important for SME’s, “74% of all internet traffic in 2017 will be video- Brainshark”. Making it even more important to get your video right!

First thing is to set out a brief. Get away from your desk, have a meeting outside the office, go for a coffee and have a chat with your nearest and dearest. What do you want out of the video? Where do you want it to be displayed? Do you want to promote yourself to customers? Or perhaps you want a signature video to showcase your business or skills? Have a think about style, look at some examples of other videos you like and dislike. If you understand what you want from your video you are more likely to get a better end product and also save you some pennies along the way.

It is important to select the right production company. Make sure you connect with them and they really understand your brand. They should go through your brief and come up with ideas of how to achieve this. A good production company will work with you to make sure you get the best result for your budget. If you do receive a quote that is over budget, don’t be afraid to go back and let them know, it may be as simple as changing the camera / lens’s they had selected. Understandably lots of people want to keep their budgets close to their chests, but it doesn’t always work that way in video production. Video’s can cost as little or as much as you want, there are so many different filming options out there.

One thing to be sure of if you are thinking of having a video made, is make sure it is good quality, “62% of consumers are more likely to have a negative perception of a brand that published a poor quality video- Brightcove”. Ask for examples of previous video’s the production company has produced to give you a guide of what you can expect. A well produced and thought out 30-60sec video can be much more powerful than a 3minute piece to camera. With the social media era, it is all about quality over quantity. You need to think, GET THEIR ATTENTION QUICK! The first 3-6seconds of a video are the most important, this is the time you have to capture the viewers attention. Just think how many times you have clicked to a watch a video and seen the button saying ‘Skip this ad in 5 seconds…’How many times have you skipped the ad? That is what you need to think about when making your video.

For further information or to have a chat through your project, get in touch. Our friendly team at Flashlight TV will always be happy to help.



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